Repair, Restoration, & Modification

We service Graflex, Kershaw-Soho, Mentor, Houghton-Butcher, Thornton & Pickard, Hall Reflex, and more.

We specialize in Focal Plane Shutters and Mirror/Reflex cameras.

Shutter curtains - viewing hoods - bellows - ground glass - wood restoration - metal fabrication

Service Details

General Service/Shutter Replacement:

  • We strive to ensure a maximum turnaround time of 1 month for most Graflex CLA's or curtain replacements.

Commissioned Camera Conversions/Restoration

  • We love wild ideas! No matter your projects size, we are always open to taking on more projects but do keep a work queue. Certain projects can take up to a year to complete.


Have a project you need help with?
Fill out the form below and we will see what we can do!

You can alternatively contact us through our Email or our Facebook page!
